Free Internet Stuff

  The following places offer:
    Free Dialup ISP -  Free Email -  Free Web Access
       (But Newsgroup Access is not available)

   -->  Netzero       (
   -->  Altavista
   -->  Excite        (
   -->  Freei         (

  Many sites offer free email, but with no Dialup isp:
   -->  Hotmail    (Most Popular)
   -->  Yahoo

  Many sites offer free Mp3 music for downloading:
   -->  Napsters     (
   Note: Please beware of Hackers and use a personal firewall program
         to protect your computer while you are connected to Napsters.
         I recommend that you use the personal firewall all the times.

  Many sites offer search engines:
   -->  Lycos        (
   -->  Infoseek     (
   -->  Yahoo        ( 

  Many sites offer free webpages with sizes ranging from 5 to 20 megs:
   -->  Geocities  (Most Popular)

  For those seeking other ways of accessing Newsgroups, there are sites
   that offer Free Newsgroup Access:
   -->  Dejanews

  For free software, try the following sites:
   -->  http://wuarchive.wust

  In addition, everything you ever wanted to know about Open nntp servers
   available at:

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