About Myself

       F R O M   O R I G I N S    T O   T H E    P R E S E N T
  I'm originally from Nigeria, but grew up here in the states since the
 age of 2 or 3.   I grew up in the small southern town of FORT VALLEY,

    I first attended "IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY" in Ames, Iowa [84-87] as an
 Electrical Engineering major.   Later, I dropped out and moved to the
 Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia area.

     In 1989 I moved back to Georgia, and after paying off my initial
 student loan, transferred to "SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY"
 in Marietta, Georgia where I decided to pursue a "Computer Science" major
 since I figured I could get a degree quicker.

    A few years later, 1998, I'm now a Senior with only 8 classes left till
 I graduate.   Life became a bit complicated, so I had to drop out for a while.

   It's one thing to have a "COLLEGE  DEGREE", but yet another to actually be
 able to show someone what you learned or put the knowledge to use in the
 "REAL  WORLD".....2 totally different things....

         .....I am both Multi-lingual and Multi-talented....
 32 year old, black male, 5'11", about 140 lbs, black hair with strands of
 white/gray here and there, a self-described Computer Techie (According to the
 GBI and FBI -->  A Hacker),  Slim build and can pass for a High School student,
 and yes I do get "CARDED".....

                        C  H  I  L  D  H  O  O  D
   As far as family is concerned, my parents divorced about 6 to 7 years ago.
 I am the oldest, and have 3 brothers and a sister.   My father, a retired
 College Professor, has long since returned/moved back to Nigeria.

  I never had a Girlfriend in "FORT VALLEY", and didn't go to the High School
 Senior Prom......Was Never Invited or Told about it.
  My first Girlfriend was here in Atlanta, Georgia area in 1989, and an Older
 Woman at that.

                 E M P L O Y M E N T    H I S T O R Y
          Computer Programmer, Computer Operator, PC Technician,
          Laser Printer Tech, Electronic Technician, Telephone
                    Technician, etc....

 I'm Currently working as a Bench Technician (Electronic Tech) Repairing
 Telephone Systems/Components, Voicemail systems, Computer systems, as well
 as doing some on-site maintenance and installations for a local Company.

  My resume is available in a separate part of my webpage as well as other
 information about myself.

                          I N T E R E S T S
   In my spare time, and as a hobby, I build, repair, and upgrade computers
   - mostly PC's, as well as tinkering with various types of Electronic
   Gadgets here and there.

    My interest in women are: Older, Full-figured, Plus-size, Bottom Heavy,
   kinky, freaky, Senior, etc...

   I've been dating an older woman, 67 years old, Senior, Full-Figured, for
   the past 5 years - and I've never regreted going home to an Older Woman,
   and never will....

   For the most part, Marriage and children are not in my future because I
   never plan to marry and never plan to have any children.
   If I ever decided to marry, it would only be to an Older Woman.


       The basic statements below pretty much describes me, my life,
                            and my future:

                    EVERYBODY ELSE CAN GO TO H*LL
      <<<<.....I  WILL  NOT  BE  CORRUPTED  BY  THE  "WEST"....>>>>
           "...A  MAN'S  GOT  TO  KNOW  HIS  LIMITATIONS..."
                    "...MISERY  LOVES  COMPANY..."
                           "REALLY ABOUT IT"
              :::As Deepthroat in the X-FILES Once said:::
                 --> TRUST NO ONE  -  DENY EVERYTHING <--


      P R O F I L E   O F   A   "P L A N T"  - UNDERCOVER  OPERATIVE
     For those of you who aren't aware, a NICE PRETTY LADY  fits the profile
   of an Undercover Operative working for a Law Enforcement Agency - Plants
   as they are usually called.   Pretty and very irresistable and for a very
   good reason - To Attract YOU  !!!
     For what reason does a NICE PRETTY LADY fall for someone that no one
   else would dare touch or come near, or let anyone know they had any known
   association with -   B I N G O   !!!!!

     For those of you who don't fully understand the picture:  Any man,
   whether "Straight", "Gay", "Bi", or whatever orientation they are can
   make a "BABY", but it doesn't make you any "STRAIGHTER" than anybody
   else, nor does it get you anymore respect than you would normally have.
     They just made a "BABY" and that's all it is to them, other than the
   fact that they will be taking care of that "BABY" for the next 18 years
   ...one way or another...in the form of "CHILD-SUPPORT".
     So, before you get up to the "Altar" and say "I  DO", you better make
   sure you aren't doing it because of any of the above reasons - because
   there's no reward down the road.  If somebody saids the "BABY IS YOURS"
   - verify it with a test.  If you still want to say "I  DO", then consider
       a "PRE-NUPTIAL WEDDING AGREEMENT" in case you are "WRONG".....

     There's no shame in accepting what and who you know you are, rather
           than what others would like you to think you are....

                          Shipping / Mailing address:
                                Etop Udoh
                              P.O. box 633
                           Norcross, GA  30091

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