             F O R    S A L E    O R    T R A D E

       N O     R E A S O N A B L E    O F F E R    R E F U S E D

                       (Last Updated 12/25/2000)
                        Check for Updates at:  

          -----------------------                        ------------
          P C     H A R D W A R E                        VALUE (each):
          -----------------------                        ------------


* (?)   1 meg 30pin simms (9chip/3chip) 70ns - 100ns             $??
* (?)   256k 30pin simms (? chips) ?ns                           $??
* (?)   Various simmverters (72pin to 30 pin) (30pin to 72pin)   $10

* (1)   ITU Caller ID PC Plug with documentation and disks       $30
* (1)   News Catcher (hardware & software), AC adapter           $55
* (1)   Logitech CyberMan2 - Digital Game Controller             $40
* (1)   Crystal Logic Soundcard/14.4 Modem combo card with
         all manuals, and drivers                                $30

**(1)**  Northgate Omnikey Ultra keyboard, with complete
          keys and fully functional with system reset switch
         (Also have some documentation for it)                   $70

* (1)   Radio Shack  A/B Data Switch (Push button)               $20
* (12)  10 megabit Ethernet Transceiver (15pin to BNC), made by
         Cabletron Systems (ST-500 with Lanview - 90 series)     $15
* (?)   Beige 1.44 Floppy drives, TEAC, etc..                    $10

         L A T O P     <-->   N O T E B O O K

* (?)   Mac Powerbook DUO Battery Recharger   Model M1812        $25

       B A D  /  C H E A P   L A P T O P     <-->   N O T E B O O K
* (1)   Compaq SLT/286 with bad internal Power Supply, includes
        Lcd screen, and battery - Works but Parts Machine        $30
* (1)   Compaq LTE, humming display, battery, no HD, screen
         no A/C adapter - Powers UP....        (WORKS)           $40/obo
* (1)   Compaq LTE/286, no battery, no harddrive,
         A/C adapter, Powers UP....            (WORKS)           $60/obo
* (1)   Compaq LTE/286, no battery, bad harddrive, floppy,
         screen, A/C adapter, Powers UP....    (WORKS)           $60/obo

             L A P T O P     A C C E S S O R I E S

* (1)   NEC Ultralite SX-20 (386)  AC Adapter PC-44-70           $35
* (1)   Dell 320 SI AC Adapter P/N: 24111
          12V DC - 2.0A                                          $35
* (1)   Dell 320 SI, External Floppy drive with cable            $60/obo
* (1)   Dell 320 SI Laptop Carrying bag                          $20/obo
* (1)   Winbook Xp5pro/FX AC Adapter P/N: PSR5ACDC
          19V DC - 45W Max                                       $35
* (1)   Power Cord for the above                                 $8
* (1)   Winbook FX -Hot Swap- Floppy Disk Drive, 5V - 1.0        $60
* (1)   2MB Proprietary Pcmcia Style Memory card for Toshiba 
         T4400sx Laptop                                          $15
* (1)   AST Desktop battery charger  220577-001.X6, no AC PS     $20
* (1)   Samsung Electronics AC Adapter, Model AD-27, For Note Master
        386S/25, 11V...1.6 AMP, 11V...).8 AMP                    $35
* (1)   AT&T AC Adapter for NSX/20 Series Notebooks, 
        Model #: ACAD001, 16 VDC - 1.5 Amp                       $30
* (1)   Compaq AC Adapter Series 2802, Compaq Spare: 121236-001  $35
* (1)   Compaq AC Adapter Series 2692                            $35
* (1)   Compaq AC Adapter Model 2681                             $35
* (1)   Compaq Series 2806 Docking Station                       $50
* (3)   Compaq battery Model 2682                                $15
* (2)   Zenith AC Adapter Model 150-308                          $35

* (1)   Discs/Manual -  Microsoft Msdos 3.21 for Zenith laptop   $15
          S O F T W A R E   --   M A N U A L S   
* (1)   Manual only  -  Brother M-1109 Printer manual            $10   
* (1)   Manual only  -  TRS-80 DMP-2100P Operation Manual       
                        Catalog #: 26-1274                       $10
* (1)   Manual only  -  TRS-80 DMP-2100 Operation Manual       
                        Catalog #: 26-1441A                      $10
* (1)   Manual only  -  LLOYD'S VCR Owners Manual, Model: L824A  $10
* (1)   Manual only  -  Zenith Supersport Portable Computer
                        User/Technical Manual                    $20
* (1)   Discs only   -  WordPerfect V6.0 for Windows (3.5)       $30
* (1)   Discs only   -  Lotus 1-2-3 V4.01 for Windows  (3.5)     $15
* (1)   Discs/Manual -  Irwin Accutrak Seris Tape Drive               
                         software (1.2) (DOS and Windows)        $15
* (1)   CD - Multimedia Calculus I                               $10  
* (1)   CD - Linux Slackware 3.0  2 disc set  (Oct-95)           $15
 All trades final.  All items are complete and in working condition   
 unless otherwise noted.  Prices are Negotiable, and Offers are always 

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